Corporate Social Responsibility

Malakan Diamond Company Human Rights Policy

Malakan Diamond Company is committed to upholding and respecting human rights as outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. This policy applies to Malakan Diamond Company, as well as our business partners, vendors, and suppliers.

We recognize that fundamental human rights, such as the right to be free from inhuman treatment, the elimination of forced or compulsory labor, and the effective abolition of child labor are of utmost importance. We are dedicated to continuously improving our approach to human rights within our business and supply chain.

Our approach focuses on understanding the impact of our activities, products, and services on our stakeholders, which include employees, contractors, customers, supply chain workers, and the broader diamond community. We strive to ensure that their rights are respected and promoted through our actions and those of our business partners.

When selecting supply chain partners, we prioritize working with organizations that share our values and commitment to human rights. While we aim to collaborate with partners who align with our human rights commitments, we acknowledge that this may not always be the case. To mitigate the risk of human rights violations within our supply chain, we will strengthen our partnerships and conduct ongoing due diligence, including assessing potential human rights considerations. We will also utilize our influence to address any identified partner-related risks.

Our approach to human rights governance and remediation is integrated into our broader strategy. We have implemented various policies and procedures, including our Supply Chain Policy, which can be found on our website. We regularly report on our progress towards our targets and goals, including human rights, in our annual RJC report, available on the RJC section of our website.

At Malakan Diamond Company, we are committed to taking concrete actions to respect and promote human rights and ensuring that our business activities contribute positively to society while minimizing any negative impacts.

Supply Chain Policy


Malakan Diamond Co. sources the majority of its diamonds directly from suppliers that manufacture rough diamonds. Most polished diamonds originate from Canada, South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia.

No-Conflict Diamonds:

We are committed to selling conflict-free diamonds. We believe it is completely unacceptable to tolerate conflict diamonds and human suffering in any way. All polished, mined diamonds sold by Malakan Diamond Co. comply with the World Diamond Council System of Warranties and the Kimberley Process, which ensures rough diamonds are:

  • Exported and imported with a government-validated certificate stating the diamonds are conflict-free.
  • Transported between signatory countries in a sealed, tamper-proof container.
  • Sold with a statement from the seller on all invoices guaranteeing the diamonds sold are conflict-free.

Our vendors are required to sign a KYC, which includes our Responsible Sourcing Protocol and also draws upon international and industry-specific recognized standards in order to advance social responsibility and environmental sustainability. They are also obligated to operate in full compliance with the laws, rules, and regulations imposed by the countries in which they operate.

Diamond Screening:

To combat undisclosed lab-grown diamonds, we have implemented a complex screening process to ensure total confidence in both our mined and lab-grown diamonds.

Malakan Diamond Co. Has Taken a Leadership Position:

As a major supplier and manufacturer, we are in a position to protect our supply chain, your reputation, and your customer’s confidence. We gladly accept this responsibility by maintaining:

  • A zero-tolerance policy for undisclosed lab-grown diamonds.
  • Robust in-house screening stations which test all incoming and outgoing loose and mounted diamonds.

To read the full policy details, please review our Responsible Sourcing Policy


For more information about our diamonds, supply chain and more, please contact us at